“Squad Booster is a great organisation that’s thoroughly appreciated by all at the club. These passionate, well-respected fans go above and beyond to help our first team squad.”

Eamon O'Carroll

Head Coach, Bradford Bulls


“On behalf of the entire club, I’d like to place on record our heartfelt thanks to the Squad Booster board and all of its’ members. Your much appreciated support and generous donations towards our first team squad continue to have a positive impact, which is never taken for granted or under-valued!”

Jason Hirst

CEO, Bradford Bulls

A great way to support YOUR club

The Bradford Bulls Squad Booster Association (BBSBA) is an independent supporters’ association, whose sole aim is to raise funds to supplement the Club budget for retaining and signing first team squad players.

BBSBA has no connection with Bull Builder who support the development of the Bulls Academy. However we are fully supportive of their aims and the tremendous work they do.

All funds raised by BBSBA go directly into the BBSBA bank account. Then from time to time at the request of the Head Coach, and after consultation with the independent BBSBA committee, funds are released to the Club to contribute to contracting a new player or extending an existing player’s contract.

Every penny members donate goes straight to strengthening the First Team Squad to make us as competitive as we can be with our rivals.

All paying Squad Booster members are entered into a monthly prize draw where you could win, for example, match day hospitality tickets, a replica shirt, a bottle of wine or a pint or two at the Top House pub. Once a year we aim to offer a star prize of a Bulls season ticket

Our History

Bradford Bulls supporters have been widely recognised and praised for their patience and loyalty over the last few years and they have without doubt played a vital part in the recent resurgence of the club.

In late 2020, during the Covid pandemic, a small group of Bulls supporters got together (on Zoom inevitably!) to find a way to give fans the chance to play an even bigger and more direct part in  helping to improve the team’s on field performance. They recognised that whilst a number of other clubs have supporters’ associations who raise money to supplement the development of their first team squad, the Bulls had no such source of additional funding. It was therefore decided to establish the Bradford Bulls Squad Booster Association.

Our Story So Far !

We have now surpassed 250 Members !

We have raised in total over £24000 to support the First team.

The generous donations from our members have helped the Club to secure the signatures of:

  For 2024: Michael Lawrence, Chester Butler, Tom Holmes, Jorge Taufua and Kevin Appo

For 2025 (and beyond) Franklin Pele, James Donaldson, Emmanuel Waine, Kevin Appo and Jayden Okunbor

The Bulls first team has undoubtedly been strengthened considerably with the contribution of additional resources from the BBSBA.


How to become a member and help to make a difference


To become a full member, you simply need to:

Complete our membership form click here to go to the membership form …

Contribute £60 or more to BBSBA in a financial year. The easiest way to do this is to pay £5 per month by Standing Order to the BBSBA bank account. Contributions of more than £5 per month are of course very welcome too!

Our bank account details for your Standing Order are as follows:

Bank Nat West
Branch Skipton
Account Number 53175948
Sort Code 010793
Account Name Bradford Bulls Squad Booster Association


NB – we have been notified that some banks/building societies can’t match the account name when the standing order or on line bank transfer is in the process of being set up. Most accept it as a near match but some say it doesn’t match. This is simply down to the number of characters in our organisation name (its probably too long TBH!). If anyone has any concerns when setting this up and wishes to contact us for further clarification please do so rather than not proceeding due to caution.


If you do not wish to become a member but would still like to make a contribution to BBSBA funds we are very happy to accept donations of any amount either as a regular payment or whenever you feel you can.

Other payment methods

If a monthly payment doesn’t suit you, contributions can also be made weekly, monthly, annually or by any other frequency of your choice provided they total at least £60 in the financial year.

Payments can be made by any of the following methods:

  • Regular standing order from your bank
  • Ad hoc bank transfers (please ensure your full name is shown as a reference)
  • Cheques payable to ‘Bradford Bulls Squad Booster Association’ (send to our Treasurer, Richard Wood or leave at the Bulls shop at Odsal Stadium in a clearly marked envelope)
  • Cash (for security we advise leaving this in the club shop at Odsal Stadium in a clearly marked envelope)

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