Membership Form
Please provide Name, Date of Birth and Contact Phone number for each member. The phone number will only be used in the event of a problem with your membership request.
If you wish to receive e-mail communication then please provide your e-mail address.”Email willbe our primary means of communication with you (eg to tell you about signings, details of any BBSBA events andour AGM)”.
If you prefer to complete an offline postal form please download a copy of the membership form (by clicking here) and then contact the Treasurer using the details below or available on the Contacting BBSBA page to request a postal address.
To become a full member, which includes an invite to our AGM, annual contributions must equal or exceed £60 per financial year (year end 30th November annually). Contributions can be made weekly, monthly or annually or by any other frequency of your choice.
Payments can be made by any of the following methods:
– Regular standing order from your bank
– Ad hoc bank transfers
– Cheques payable to ‘Bradford Bulls Squad Booster Association’
– Cash (for security we advise leaving this in the club shop at Odsal Stadium in a clearly marked envelope)
Subject to COVID restrictions we will endeavour to have a presence at home games which may assist and help
All correspondence can be emailed to bbsquadbooster@gmail.com
It is important to ensure all bank transfers quote your full name (your membership form asks for DoB in case of duplicate names) to identify your contributions. Payments in form of donations will be accepted should people which to contribute whenever they feel they can without becoming a member
Please contact either myself or anyone from the committee if you have any questions or need further assistance
Thank you for your support
Richard Wood
T – 07810500143
E – bbsquadbooster@gmail.com